Buzzer! 5

Generating sound: Buzzer

Play a melody with a passive buzzer

What are we going to do?

In this activity you'll play a melody with the help of a passive buzzer. Remember the difference between putting code inside setup function or putting it inside loop function.

You can use the code from Arduino IDE -> File -> Examples -> Digital -> toneMelody but you'll need to change some parts.

UNO board

You can use any Arduino UNO original or compatible board

USB cable

Depending on your board, you'll need a microUSB cable or a miniUSB cable


You need a computer with Arduino IDE software. If you don't have it, follow this link with instructions to download and install it.

Download Arduino IDE

Buzzer brick

A passive buzzer with SVG connections

Let's get started

Follow these instructions carefully. You can click on some of the images to zoom in.

Always connect the components BEFORE powering the UNO board or YOU MAY DAMAGE YOUR BOARD OR COMPONENTS.


1. Connect your components

Zoom in

2. Open Arduino IDE

Once you've opened the editor, open the button example from File->Examples->Digital->toneMelody

3. Connect your board

Connect your board with USB cable and wait a bit until you computer recognises it. Now select the correct serial port from Tools->Serial port->(choose correct port) COM1, 2, 3...

Click to zoom

3. Change code

If you connect the buzzer to pin 8, you won't need to modify anithing. Otherwise you'll need to modify example to make it work with your circuit. IF NECESSARY, change number 8 for the correct value on all references on your code

4. Upload to the board

Use the upload button to transfer the program to your board. Once done, you should read Upload completed. That means the transfer was succesful. If it's not succesful, try disconnecting your board and connecting it again and repeating the upload process.

5. Final result

After uploading, everything should be working as planned. Otherwise, double check connections and code.

Congratulations, you've done it! You're on the right path to be a maker! 🙂

Now, what else?

Now is your turn:

  • Change the code to use a variable instead of the number 8. What do you think would be a good name for this variable?
  • Search the Internet and try changing the melody to a famous song or soundtrack


 Continue your journey with the next activity from below


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