Monthly Archives: October 2017

PIR sensor 3

In this activity you’ll learn how the PIR sensors work. A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors. We’ll use it to turn a led on or off.



Buzzer! 5

In this activity you’ll play a melody with the help of a passive buzzer and an Arduino board.

LDR sensor 5

In this activity you’ll write some code that turn a led on o off when ambient light is low. We will achieve this thanks to a LDR sensor brick or LDR circuit.



Inputs and outputs: button 4

In this activity you’ll write some code that turn a led on o off when a button is pressed. You can find this code under Arduino IDE -> File -> Examples -> Digital -> Button

Hello world with Arduino: Blink 2

In this activity you’ll program your first Arduino code.
This code turns a LED on for a second, then off for one second, repeatedly. You can find this code under Arduino IDE -> File ->Examples -> Basics ->Blink
You don’t need any extra components as it uses a LED connected to pin13 that most Arduino boards have.